The Tenth Annual Workshop on the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure in HPC

Workshop held in conjunction with SC24 - Monday, November 18, 2024 - Atlanta, Georgia, USA

SC24Logo Held in conjunction with SC24: The International Conference for High
Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, and in
cooperation with the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS) and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).



Time (EST) Speaker Title
9:00 Hal Finkel Welcome
9:15 Ron Green The Path to IFX - Building a Fortran Compiler in LLVM
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Bruno Cardoso Lopes Introducing ClangIR: An MLIR-Based High-Level IR for the C/C++ Family of Languages
11:00 Smeet Chheda Evaluating Tuning Opportunities of the LLVM/OpenMP Runtime
11:30 David Kacs Pragma driven shared memory parallelism in Zig by supporting OpenMP loop directives
12:00 Nick Brown Fully integrating the Flang Fortran compiler with standard MLIR
12:30 Lunch Break
2:00 Jeff Niu The Mojo Approach to Performance Programming
2:30 Katherine Rasmussen, Brad Richardson, Damian Rouson Parallel Runtime Interface for Fortran (PRIF): A Multi-Image Solution for LLVM Flang
3:00 Coffee Break
3:30 Anthony Cabrera A Flang Plugin for Fortran Feature Characterization
4:00 Johannes Doerfert, William Moses, Bruno Cardoso Lopes, Jeff Hammond Panel Discussion
5:30 The End


LLVM has become an integral part of the software-development ecosystem for optimizing compilers, dynamic-language execution engines, source-code analysis and transformation tools, debuggers and linkers, and a whole host of programming-language and toolchain-related components. The recent surge in AI development has further proven the efficacy of the LLVM infrastructure as many predominant AI/ML compilation systems deployed in practice leverage the MLIR framework to exploit high level semantics provided by their frontends, while maintaining a production grade and high performance software stack. Research in, and implementation of, program analysis, compilation, execution, and profiling has clearly benefited from the availability of a high-quality, freely-available infrastructure on which to build. This workshop will focus on recent developments, from both academia and industry, that build on LLVM to advance the state of the art in high-performance computing.


This workshop will feature contributed papers and an invited talk focusing on recent developments that build on LLVM to advance the state of the art in high-performance computing.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Please note: All particpants (authors, presenters, committee members, and attendees alike) are expected to follow both the LLVM Code of Conduct as well as the relevant SC24 conduct policies.


Please see the SC24 home page for registration deadlines and other information associated with the parent event. Pending the acceptance of the final workshop proceedings, the selected papers will be published by IEEE Xplore.


Please submit papers using the SC24 Submissions system by selecting the "Workshops: LLVM-HPC Full Papers" form. Submissions are limited to minimum 6, maximum 10 two-column pages, excluding the bibliography, using the IEEE proceedings template. Please prepare your submissions for single blind review.


Program Committee

Contact Information

Alexis Perry-Holby (

James Brodman (

Ryan Kabrick (

Johannes de Fine Licht (